Gospel Minutes.orgJohn 3:16 Rewritten to Fit Today's Popular Beliefs."For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not have everlasting life in torture, but have everlasting life." (in peace, joy and love) Here is John 3:16 as written in the King James Version. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Add to the above, the word World is translated from a Greek word that does not mean the entire earth. It means orderly arrangement. Society would be a good translation. It is not the entire world. It is very hard to read the Bible for what it says without reading in beliefs that we have been taught all our lives. It is very easy to read right over information in the scripture that is very plain. The Bible does incorporate the use of imagery and stories to make a point. There are no seven headed beasts as written in Revelation so the beast must stand for something else. Parables are told to tell a hidden meaning. You should not take one literally. Christ told his listeners to pluck out an eye if it should cause you to sin. He was not speaking literally. It is wrong to harm yourself. While many do not include the Rich Man and Lazarus as a parable it does have an underlying message that has nothing to do with what is seen on the surface. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. There are many verses that say one thing while we think something else. There is a big problem with many of the newer bible versions and especially paraphrases of the bible. The NIV is a bad paraphrase as it does not even follow it's own Greek text. Some words are chosen so as to not violate a copyright in a competing bible version and thus correct meaning can be lost. The biggest problem I see though, and this includes all versions, is that many times the true meaning of a verse has been hidden or spoiled because of an improperly translated word. Some verses have the opposite meaning in the Greek or Hebrew texts. The Greek and Hebrew texts agree, but the English translations have the old and new testaments at odds with each other in some verses. Not all of this is the fault of the translators or even James Strong or Joseph Thayer. Most of these probably knew there were differences between Classical Greek and that found in scripture. However the Koine Greek we find in scripture was not fully recognized and identified until ten years after the work of Strong and Thayer. That was over two hundred years after the King James Version was finished. Unfortunately many of the errors in translation are still with us today. Many false doctrines, believed yet today, are associated with these errors. Because of this sometimes our understanding of a word is flawed. Some Lexicographers have been trying to correct word meanings, but most still include the old incorrect meaning in their definitions. This has made many incorrectly decide that the Greek is a difficult language where words can mean almost anything. Words that are commonly misunderstood include soul - spirit, Jew - Gentile and put away - divorce just to name a few. Using Bible software that will allow you to click on a word and see the Greek or Hebrew definition can help, but one must still be aware that Strong and Thayer's works contain many of the old, incorrect meanings. Because the Kione was unknown you will see phrases such as the following in Strong's Concordance.
Strong's is still a great resource, just beware of this. When you read your Bible look for the obvious teaching in each verse. Also look for familiar phrases and words that may indicate a link to another truth. May Yahweh bless you with the understanding of His truth. Here is a list of words defined by God in the old testament that has unchanged meaning in the new testament. Christ defined the word children. Paul defined for whom is adoption. Here is my list thus far.
If you want to understand scripture you must understand these terms as defined by scripture. One other detail is that you must understand the context of any old testament quotes you find. A good example is Romans 9:24-26. If you don't understand who the "Gentiles", really just Nations, that Paul is referring to you will get the wrong message. That is why Paul sends you back to Hosea (Osee in the KJV) to find out. Here is a link to an online Bible that a friend put together that will allow you to click and see the definition. Regular Version Feel free to send your helpful comments. Thank You Gospel Minutes |