Fulfilled or Ended?There are many who teach that Christ did not destroy the Law, but rather he ended it and replaced it with his law or the Law of Christ. I believe that Christ did not destroy the Law or end it for both have the same result. I also believe that Law and the Law of Christ are one and the same for Jesus the Christ is the Word of God. Some teach that the word end is a valid meaning for the Greek pleroo because Strong's has it listed. According to Strong's words found after the punctuation :-- are found in the King James version showing that it had been used in at least one instance. The words after the punctuation therefore are what the translators chose and may be improper if used in just any verse. The only way to be truly accurate is to look at the base meaning of the Greek or Hebrew word found in the verse. Let us remove the word fulfill from several verses and replace it with the word end. In the verses below pleroo is the Greek word, fulfill was in the verse and we replaced it with end. Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to end. This is what many people teach. Let's keep going. Matthew 3:15 Pleroo means to make replete, to satisfy or execute. Strong's says that this satisfy or execute implies that one satisfied a duty (office). If we obey perfectly every law of the road while driving from one place to another we do not end those laws. However we have satisfied the laws of the road's requirements. Well that is what Christ did. He did everything that the Law and the Prophets prophesied that he would do. Luke 24:44 If one wanted to replace fulfill with end for any mention of law then this might be found. Galatians 6:2 The word end is another issue. Just like with the English word love one must check the Greek to understand what kind of love is being discussed so it goes with the word end. The word end in Matthew 24:3 has the typical meaning as we understand it. End in "end of the age" means what we expect. However end in Romans 10:4, "end of the law" has a different meaning. End in this case has the meaning "to set out for a definite point or goal". Could Romans 10:4 read more like, "For Christ is the goal of the law..."? The book of Hebrews clearly explains what was in fact added to the Law and then later nailed to the cross. The Levitical Priesthood and the blood sacrifices were what was nailed to the cross. These Christ did once and for all for us. Here are the verses in red above the way they could read. Matthew 5:17 or Matthew 5:17 As you are reading and find a verse that talks about the Law being fulfilled try replacing the word fulfill with satisfy and see how that makes a difference. Since heaven and earth have not passed away it is amazing to me what is believed. Matthew 5:18 Romans 4:15b 1 John 3:4 Romans 3:31 Really, I am surprised that grammar teachers have not risen up at every congregation to complain about the abuse that this verse and several other suffer at the hands of those trying to teach this error. Matthew 5:17-18 have several statements that should be evaluated on their own. Also it is helpful to look at the statements in a positive - negative manner. Here they are listed separately. "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets" Christ said not to think that He came to destroy the Law. What most forget to include are the prophets. If the Law is destroyed or done away, then so are the prophets. This is why some actually totally throw away the old testament. The question then must be asked what does one do with all the old testament quotes found in the new testament. Some actually teach that the old is understood in light of the new. That is a total logic disaster. The new is understood in light of the old. It is obvious the previous is done since I have yet to find a congregation that had the right take on Romans 9:24-25 concerning who are the "Gentiles" (nations) mentioned. You must go back to Hosea to understand who they are and the promise given to them. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. Already dealt with this, but this is a second time Christ said this in the same moment. Yet people then say he destroyed the Law only to replace it with mostly the same thing, but without a clear listing so that it makes it more difficult to know what is right or wrong. Think the word satisfy or even do when reading fulfill. Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. This is one statement with two conditions that must both be met in order to be accomplished. Not even one jot or title will pass from the Law until both the heaven and earth pass and all is fulfilled. As mentioned before heaven and earth still exist. I think there are a few things in scripture that have yet to be fulfilled. Check Revelation for some. Also the word pass is interesting. Consider what the meek inherit and that the New Jerusalem will come down out of heaven and be here on the earth in a future time. The Greek word translated fulfill in verse 17 is G4137 and means to make replete, to satisfy or do. The Greek word translated fulfill in verse 18 is G1096 and means to cause to be. They do not have the same meaning or even root words. More as needed. Printable Version Feel free to send your helpful comments. Thank You Tim Gospel Minutes |
Gospel Minutes.orgLaw and Covenant Articles. No Moses, No Christ Keep My Commandments Under a Schoolmaster Grace vs Law? What was Nailed to the Cross? Is the Law Fulfilled or Ended? The Perfect Law of God Is God's Law Still in Effect, Part 1 Is God's Law Still in Effect, Part 2 Was all of God's Law Nailed to the Cross? The Law of God before Moses What is the New Covenant? Is The New Testament Complete? Romans 13 Unclean "Food" Clean or Unclean "Food" There Remains a Sabbath for the People of God. Why Do We Forget the Command that Starts with Remember? Biblical Necessary Inferences Think Not! Notes. Gospel Minutes Start Page |